The Fight over Obesity

In # 3: Junk Food Dissuasion by ElijahLeave a Comment

                   Obesity has been a growing problem in the last several years, especially in the United States. Yet, obesity is not just a United States problem (although the United States is the most obese) but a global problem. Several other countries have tried various strategies to combat the obesity epidemic. Japan for example has made a maximum waistline mandate that requires special support sessions if people exceed the maximum waistline (New Republic).  While this works for Japan(which does not have an obesity problem), there are already too many people in the United States who are considered obese. To combat obesity in the United States, it is best to restructure how obesity is handled.

                  The first thing that should be changed and already has been implemented in other countries is a tax on unhealthy foods. “More than 85 countries have some sort of SSB (sugar-sweetened beverages) tax” (WHO). Instead of just beverages, all ultra-unhealthy foods should be taxed. This tax should only affect foods that offer very little nutritional value compared to the amount of calories provided. Not only would this decrease people’s motives to buy unhealthy food, but it would also give the government another form of income that could potentially reduce taxes elsewhere. This is a very similar strategy to what was done with cigarettes. When cigarettes were taxed it started the downfall of cigarettes. Even though cigarettes are still sold and used today, not nearly as many people use them showing some of the effectiveness of this type of tax.

                  Unfortunately, even after several countries have introduced these types of taxes, obesity remains a problem. To make a difference, bonuses or rewards should be given to healthy habits.  People can track stuff like workouts and healthy eating that they can then be rewarded for. This extra step should hopefully be what is needed to motivate people to try to live healthier lifestyles.

                  Obesity will likely remain a problem for several years to come but that does not mean something cannot be done to decrease the obesity rates. Given this plan, higher prices will be placed on unhealthy foods that will also help provide money to the government while reducing unhealthy food intake. People will also be more motivated to be active and live healthy life-styles due to the rewards that can be obtained through doing so. This two-step plan will hopefully be the difference that is needed to fight off the obesity epidemic.


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