Do Americans eat out too much?

In Featured Posts, Food and Culture by Prof EdwardLeave a Comment

As discussed in our “why we eat what we eat” topic, eating habits in the U.S. have shifted as more calories are being consumed away from home than at home. According to this 2021 “What We Eat in America, NHANES” study, Americans actually eat out quite a lot.

Consider the main findings from this study:

  • On any given day, more than 50% of adults eat in a restaurant.
  • On weekends, that number jumps up to 60%.
  • Young adults (20-39 years of age) eat out way more than older (+60 years old) people (62% v. 41%).

But the most important result was that for people who frequent restaurants, nearly half of their daily caloric intake comes from restaurant food. Given the obesity epidemic, which we will begin to discuss next week, this certainly has implications for public health.


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