Deconstructed Buffalo Wings?

In # 2: Molecular Gastronomy by EmilyLeave a Comment

One of the greatest pleasures in life is a buffalo chicken wing dipped in a blue cheese dressing with some celery on the side. I still remember trying this now favorite dish of mine at a restaurant in Issaquah, Washington called the Sunset Alehouse. The memories that I associate with buffalo chicken wings in particular are just so positive and remind me of times with family and friends.

The idea of a “deconstructed buffalo wing” is so fascinating to me for this reason seeing as how chicken wings hold such a special place in my heart. The deconstructed wing features chicken that’s been prepared through what seems to either be sous-vide processing or potentially even glueing that’s been coated and marinated in buffalo sauce. The recipe that I found features a chicken bone sticking straight up out of the chicken patty. The “wings” are then served with celery and blue cheese dip on the side making sure to include all the best parts of buffalo wings.

My personal love for buffalo chicken wings runs deep enough that I would still try this version of a “chicken wing”, although whether or not they can even be counted as chicken wings is debatable. If you saw these odd appetizers at a party would you try it?


Image from Pinterest.

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