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Edible Helium Balloon

In # 2: Molecular Gastronomy by Pham2 Comments

Chef Mike Bagale of the Chicago restaurant Alinea, which has three Michelin stars, is credited with creating the edible helium balloon initially. The technique is rather easy to follow: essentially, he makes an edible helium balloon by mixing a lot of flavorful fruit essences with inverted sugars, then he pumps …

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You Are What You Eat

In # 1: You are what you eat by PhamLeave a Comment

I’m Vietnamese by origin. Our country is famous for its agriculture such as rice export. Further notice, according to a report from the Office of Agricultural Affairs, Hanoi, the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) stated that during the first 8 months of 2023, Vietnam has …