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Probiotics and Prebiotics

In # 11: Gut health by Corinne

It is a good thing that it has been so challenging to prove health claims for prebiotics and probiotics because it forces the industry to try harder to prove the worth of their products to consumers. There are a variety of health claims on different products already that can be …

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Healthy Lunchables

In # 10: COVID beyond 2024 by Corinne

One of the most popular prepackaged foods that kids favor in their lunchboxes are lunchables. Make your own pizzas, make your own chicken nuggets, nachos, ham and cheddar etc. My mom rarely ever bought us these because they are ultra processed and contain little nutrients but every single kid loves …

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Plant Based Products

In # 8. Plant-based milk and meat products by Corinne

There are some bills that have been passed that limit what meatless/dairy free products can label themselves as. It’s important to point out that the people who are fighting for these labelling laws are a majority from the animal agriculture industry. They will say that these products confuse consumers and …

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Who Does Your Coffee Come From?

In # 5: Organic and ethical food labels by Corinne

Plenty of imported goods claim to be “fair trade”. The definition of something being fair trade means that a trade is made between a developed country and one that is developing where fair prices are paid to the workers who produced it. Many goods like coffee, bananas, chocolate, tea, cotton, …

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Ultra Thin Shrimp Taco

In # 2: Molecular Gastronomy by Corinne

The strangest food I found created with molecular gastronomy techniques is the miniature shrimp taco. It is simple to create by layering ultra thin edible film on top of itself using egg wash as a glue to hold the edible film together and topping it off with nori flakes, shrimp …