Organic everything – way beyond apples

In Cannabis Edibles, Featured Posts, Organic and Ethical Labeling by Prof EdwardLeave a Comment

As we finished up our discussion on organic foods and clean label, we will discussed reasons why so many consumers are willing to pay a premium for these foods.  One of the main reasons is that organic foods are thought by consumers to be healthier than conventional foods.  We will reviewed the actual data on this question, but regardless, this perception certainly exists.

It’s interesting that by attaching an “organic” label to a food, it suddenly becomes healthy.  Cookies, cake, ice cream, candy bars, potato chips – you name it, there is bound to be an organic version.

From the “you can’t make this up” file, there is even organic tobacco.  Indeed, in the tobacco-growing state of Virginia, tobacco has become one of the main organic commodities produced in that state.

Now I know organic versions of wine and beer are available, but as I was writing this I thought what could possibly be next.  Organic marijuana edibles, perhaps?  Sure enough, they are widely available in California, Colorado, Washington and other states where recreational marijuana is legal. Some contain THC and others CBD (the bioactive chemical components). But be advised, they are not cheap. The organic CBD infused dark chocolate bar shown on the image cost more than $20!

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