Ben and Jerry’s Ice-cream Fairtrade Label

In # 5: Organic and ethical food labels by PhamLeave a Comment

  1. Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream product’s ethical label is Fairtrade; For today’s assignment, the product will be Vanilla Caramel Fudge
  2. The Fairtrade label certifies that it complies with guidelines created to help workers and farmers in developing nations. Customers may guarantee that workers receive fair salaries, improved working conditions, and the implementation of sustainable farming practices by purchasing Fairtrade products. This means that Ben & Jerry’s uses sugar, cocoa, and vanilla from Fairtrade-certified farms that emphasize economic justice, environmental sustainability, and community development while making ice cream.
  3. Organization that sanctions the label: Fairtrade International manages the Fairtrade product certification process. The benchmarks for ethical production are established by Fairtrade International, which makes sure that growers fulfill certain requirements to enhance livelihoods and save the environment.
  4. Other relevant information:
    1. Ben & Jerry’s is famous for supporting numerous social justice causes, and being Fairtrade certified. The brand has a history of using ethical sourcing practices, and many of its ice cream flavors have numerous ethical certifications, like non-GMO and “Caring Dairy,” which supports environmentally friendly dairy production. Beyond simply paying fair wages, Ben & Jerry’s actively works to lessen their environmental effect and promote economic equality for small-scale farms.
    2. In addition, Fairtrade also primarily strengthens the small-scale farmers’ market position and reduces their disadvantage in global trading by reducing exploitation by middlemen and increasing their access to markets.

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