Blueberry fish eggs

In # 2: Molecular Gastronomy by Elijah2 Comments

Maybe not the craziest molecular gastronomy recipe ever, but I found a recipe for blueberry caviar that sounds good. To make blueberry caviar blueberries, sugar, and white wine are mixed over low heat for an hour. It is then drained through a muslin cloth overnight. The resulting mixture is then frozen and put in the refrigerator to defrost over a muslin cloth again. The resulting juice is then taken and mixed with sodium nitrate and sodium alginate in a blender before being let sit for an hour. After that, it is done and you are left with blueberry caviar!


  1. I’ll admit I’ve never tried caviar before (too expensive) but it is interesting to see how different flavored “caviar” can be made using sodium nitrate and sodium alginate. But now I’m curious whether fake caviar can be made the same way.

  2. Wow, this recipe sounds interesting. I’ve seen people do similar things with coffee, but I never thought about using blueberries. It seems like it would be a fun experiment to try one day.

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